Welcome to the Product Sample Page
Here you can view a sample product of what you're purchasing.
Depending on what you requested customization on the design of the product may be different than shown on this page.
Bag Tag
Pkg J $10
Laminated with customization
Photo Button
Pkg H $11
customized with year/name if possible
12 Month Calendar
Customized 8X10 photo paper
Pkg K $15
Magazine Cover
8X10 Photo Paper
Pkg E $18
Pkg I - $10
Wallet size image
Customized with name and jersey number
Digital Memory Mates
8X10 Photo paper , comes with 4 wallets - Pkg F $19
Pkg F+ comes with 12 Wallets $29
Wood Plaques
Pkg G - $40
8X10 plaque with 3X5 individual picture, 5x7 team, 4 wallets
G+ $50 same as above with 12 Wallets
Pkg L $ 23
Individual 5x7 Plaque, comes with 4 Wallets
L+ $33
same as Pkg L with 12 wallets
Pkg N- $40
8X10 plaque with 5X7 individual Picture, 4 wallets
Pkg N-$50
Same as Pkg N with 12 wallets
12 Double & Single (front only) Sided Trading Cards on photo paper $19